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Hi savvy readers, it’s been a moment.

I’ve been away for a while due to unforeseen circumstances beyond my control. I missed writing to you guys, I’m here now and I hope to be here for a long while.

In our last newsletter if you remember, we agreed that we’ll read books and watch movies concerning finance and we’ll get to review them, do you remember? I hope you remember. Without further ado, Let’s get into the business of the day.

In "The Banker," Bernard, a young black man, strives to succeed in a society where success was attributed to skin color. Learning about finance by observing real estate activities, he sets out from Texas to Los Angeles to establish his own real estate venture.

Teaming up with Mr. Reed, Bernard faces racial biases, prompting Reed to become the public face of their business. However, Reed's sudden demise leaves Bernard with little ownership. Undeterred, Bernard partners with Morris and the inexperienced Matt Steiner to pursue his goal of acquiring mostly white properties.

Returning to Texas, Bernard challenges racial barriers by purchasing Mainland Bank, despite objections. His changes to loan policies attract suspicion, especially from Florence, who threatens to expose their dealings to the US Treasury Department.

To reduce the risks, Steiner proposes acquiring Marlin Bank, insisting on partnership to secure his loyalty. Despite his lack of experience, Steiner's errors lead to the downfall of Marlin Bank, which led to the arrest of Bernard and Morris.

Their imprisonment and asset seizure by the federal government mark a tragic turn of events, while Florence takes ownership of the bank. Meanwhile, Steiner avoids legal consequence. Despite their hardships, Bernard and Morris retain ownership of a property in the Bahamas.

My thoughts and how it relates to finance.

1. Real Estate Investment: The story follows Bernard as he explores real estate investment, showing how he buys, manages, and earns money from properties. It highlights both the risks and rewards of investing in real estate, as well as the smart strategies he uses to make a profit and keep his business going.

2. Banking and Loans: Bernard’s role in banking, like when he takes over Mainland Bank and later Marlin Bank, shows us how banks work, how they decide who gets loans, and the rules they follow. It also looks at how loans help the economy grow and the problems that can happen if banks lend money without being careful.

3. Business Partnerships and Deals: The movie also focuses on how Bernard makes deals with others, like Mr. Reed, Morris, and Matt Steiner. It talks about how these deals affect money, who gets what share of the profits, who makes the decisions, and how they handle risks together.

4. Managing Financial Risks: While Bernard deals with real estate and banking, the film talks about how he handles risks. It shows why it’s important to understand and reduce risks when making money decisions, including dealing with changes in the market, following rules, and handling unexpected problems.

5. Ethical Money Practices: Throughout the story, the characters face questions about doing the right thing when it comes to money, like being fair, honest, and following the law. They talk about tough choices related to race, business rules, and doing the right thing, showing why it’s important to be ethical in finance.

Practical steps that can be adopted from the movie that will aid your financial journey.

1. Start Investing: Begin investing with whatever amount you have, following proper budgeting and seeking resources to guide your decisions.

2. Embrace Risk: Understand that life involves risks, and to succeed financially, you must be willing to take calculated risks, no matter how small.

3. Seek Knowledge: Continuously educate yourself about financial matters from reliable sources to avoid costly mistakes, similar to how Steiner’s lack of experience impacted his venture.

4. Stay Determined: Maintain determination and discipline throughout your financial journey, regardless of setbacks or your current stage. Like Bernard, stay focused on your goals and persevere through challenges.

5. Choose Your Company Wisely: Surround yourself with individuals who provide valuable advice and support your financial aspirations, similar to the positive influences Bernard had in Morris and his wife. Avoid making decisions influenced by those who may lead you astray.

Overall, "The Banker" Entwines these financial themes to provide insights into the dynamics of entrepreneurship, investment, and financial management, while also exploring broader societal issues related to race and justice.

Let me know in the comment section if you'll be watching this movie.

I'll also like to know what stood out for you in the comment section.

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See you next week!

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